Reseña misteriosa

¿Qué misterios se encierran en estas afirmaciones?

(¿Alguien sabe húngaro?)


Geo ha dicho que…
WTF? Donde menos te lo esperas :-|, ahora que lo de: Javier Peinado grafikája teszi ellenállhatatlanul groteszkké a furcsa történetet

Aparece grotesco y algo que se parece a tortura, no se si será lo que le parece tu dibujo :-p.
fustigador ha dicho que…
Lo más que puedo hacer por ti de un vistazo rápido es esto:

"Barcelonában summers not only that's why good , since the seashores sprawled can be deer-hound the monokiniző turistalányokat , but since favourite art águnk citadels also egyben. THE urban biggest képregényboltja did she see scarcely orgazmusközeli kilter run into jónéhány Hungarian buff. Ottjártamkor of course not hagyhattam who the possibilities , that hazahozzak pair regional speciality : one elected the La tempestad.

THE address meaning of THE tumult , the volume reverse can be found quotation but sudden unequivocal work , that well thought about , here insist képbe run into William Shakespeare kései drama. THE Beataxe probably ben finish it be last irrespectively wrote piece , that already not sorolható be unequivocally the tragedy - masquerade genre some , rather romance habit hívni – this style yes she's popular lett the XVII. hundredths at the start of. Heard comics értéséhez integral the piece cselekményének zanzája , coherent back this time this. THE tumult protagonist Thrive , Milanese princes of the aki eleven éve száműzöttként poignancy on a desert island his girl Miranda , as well as two with her servants , the fane Ariel and the strange félállat being , Shack társaságában. When your sister and egyben száműzetésének effecting Antonio hajójával the isle near it vein , Thrive the magic gents tumult supports , that the ashore will Antoniót and the team. From here various shakespeare i involvements after Thrive dispense judas bud and Ann pander ( among those the Neapolitan kinglet Alonsón ), the innocents Miranda , as well as Alonso his son Fernando ) lovers they'll be , after that in the end everyone home-coming Itáliába. THE La tempestad alkotóinak , Santiago Garcíának and Reformative Peinadónak however esze ágában nor it had been such idyllic nevezhető termination kanyarítania the comics by the end of – but about it posteriorly.

The imént mentioned szerzőpáros írótagja , Santiago García translators time out of mind flourish the Spanish comics inlife ( for you also megvan the by him reverse Kraven last chivy c. Pókember-alapvetés). Own works however only 2004 since check in , ever greater with success. The this spring publish La tempestad ban outliners the young Reformative Peinado he joined them. THE Madrid born Peinadónak this volume reported the bemutatkozást beleadott back paternal - metronymic.

The creators Tumult - paraphrase sci fi surroundings set the plot , the untenanted isle planet will be , the rough sea place the measureless space take through , that one interplanetary tumult elinduljanak the happenings. THE starring name revise figurájukat actualized ( thrive his name here Kesavan , and not magus , but bookman ), but the up she stayed. Greater his role get however Shack ( here Ayu ) and the Ariel place recipient supercomputer Hati. THE biggest change the authority compared to the stresses shift means , as well as the confrontation with that , that the Prosperóhoz similar renaissance characterizes on the future ( the mi our world mivé become of , how many minuses érnek. The reader kénytelen szembesülni with that , that there is not with whom sympathize. Kesavan knowledge - and avengeful hatalomvággyal couple. The junior Jon Shakespeare Fernandója ) idealism pinkish naivity , then scent stupidity degradálódik. THE team remaining members tagja but in a simple way only corrupt , rapacious doggone.

THE legérdekesebb starring daresay Ayu , the planet autochthonal tenant , one kiismerhetetlen feltérképezhetetlen entity aki the comics who knows , why ( ennui? curiousness Kesavan aside skirting. THE bookman the modern man fuddy-duddy ostobaságával that she thinks , rein the behemoths. But Ayut it can't be kordában it would last , the people only amúgy also the beginnings in it bujkáló iniquities , your anger and my hate studied. THE item at the start of mentioned quotation the rear overlying idekívánkozik : „Beszélni tutored : for at least You can this time dang. THE incarnate Hell beléd , measured tutored! ” * The message well comprehensible and cliche existent : Ayu selves the megszelídíthetetlen Mettle , mi but the sad kisstílű , preponderate hankering people we are. Back yes. Aki the for the most anigh stands thereto the being , the Hati , the fundament sci fi requirement komputer Kubrick 2001: Űrodüsszeiájának HAL9000-ese.

Reformative Peinado graphic work overpoweringly grotesque the strange storiette. THE rajzfilmszerű matinéhangulatú draw , the setting lines , the beautiful scenes lightsome youth kalandtörténetet promise , the slightly 100 side volume to its end however the influence already eery. Not suffixes upon : Shack , or Ayu föllázad ( while thrall eleve nor it had been total ), and indelicately , spontaneously értetődően guillotining , shred felzabálja Kesavant , the for his daughter plus the others. everyone Hatit lekapcsolja , then walk-out the ferociousness location serving from a building , look up the paradisical planet over tenaciously ramping tumult and would be pleased. Since free. Evermore also the it had been.

Am I but ( than reader ülök consternation , and visszalapozok , that thoughtfully? thoughtfully García and Peinado slightly 100 side underneath small routinely while , but everyway potently show mit vein humankind wisdom évezredek underneath heaped knowledge the us surrounding world for nature in the eye. Mickle nothing. Nastily megszívtuk."

Espero que te sirva de algo. Ya sabes que lo importante es que hablen de uno aunque sea mal.

Javier Peinado ha dicho que…
"Reformative Peinado graphic work overpoweringly grotesque the strange storiette"

Overpoweringly...¡eso sólo puede ser bueno! Aparte que...¿por qué un húngaro iba a comentar un cómic español si no fuera para decir que es THE BEST COMIC EVER?

La verdad es que el húngaro parece que es un idioma imposible para los traductores online (he traducido mejor textos coreanos!)